Sunday, July 19, 2009

Futuristic Me

Week 2 and down 2 more pounds!

It's a loss but it seems like a slow loss. At this rate I'll be thin by 2085!

Ahhh, I look forward to 2085 - I'll be able to buy a smaller hover craft, I'll look svelte in my silver space outfit and I will be able to live off of smaller portions of Soylent Green.

All kidding aside, if I keep up this same rate of weight loss, I'll be to goal in about 2 years. It seems like a lifetime, but really it's not. I just have to keep telling myself that. If I had truly taken weight loss seriously 2 years ago, I'd be thin now. I don't want to look back to this day in 2011 and ask myself why I didn't continue with healthy eating and exercising habits. Future Me is looking back on Present Me right now and she's telling me that slow and steady wins the race.

I don't want to disappoint Future Me... she's been disappointed enough. And if I don't disappoint the near Future Me, then that distant Future Me will be svelte in the silver space outfits of 2085.

Of course, I'll be 117 years old... but that's completely beside the point. =)

1 comment:

  1. I have been strict on my low carb plan - I have not cheated once - maybe a few extra nuts here or there. My loss is slow, too.
    My good blogger friends just remind me that this journey is not all about weight loss, but creating better habits, and a healthier lifestyle.
    You're doing fine!
