Monday, July 13, 2009

Two Pounds Down and I Can't Drive My Car!

I am two pounds lighter after the first week of eating healthier - and I can't drive my car. The two things have nothing to do with each other but it makes for an intriguing blog start, doesn't it?

First, I am so so happy to be down two pounds! I really didn't do much to lose it except to pay attention to what I was eating (I did go overboard a few times but the fact that I was really paying attention made those times less of a "free for all") and to try to get up and move around more than I normally would (which is not at all). I'm going to build on this easing in period and tweak what I'm eating to incorporate some better, fresher foods and I'm hoping to start working out in some sort of regular fashion - even if regular only means one or two times a week.

Second, I am so so happy because I bought a new car! I traded in my old car for a brand spanking new one. :D It's the first time in my life that I've had power windows/locks... a CD player (yes, my old car was rocking the cassette deck) and cruise control. The absolute best part is that the AC works. My old car's AC suffered irreparable damage and I've been sweltering on the commute this summer.

My problem is that the new car is a little larger than my old car and it's higher from the ground. When I'm in it, I have absolutely no idea of the parameters. I had my old car for over 8 years and we'd become thick as thieves. The new car is a stranger and I end up looking like a student driver when I take her out (I've backed into a few curbs and I'm a little jerky with the gas and brakes.)

I also have a very hard time figuring out how to get the car into a parking spot evenly. I've only had it for three days so I know I will get used to it soon but so far I've been parking out in the furthest spots to ensure wide open spaces that I can maneuver into.

I feel like an absolute loon but at least I'm getting more exercise by having to walk the extra distance.


  1. Great job this week. I hope it gives you some motivation!!

  2. Hey Congratulations on your first 2 pounds down!
    Great eh?

    lol @ your new car antics. I traded in my 10 year old Shadow that sounds like it was tricked out like your old car (hehe) for a minivan. Geesus. I feel your loon-acy ... you'll get there. Just keep smiling! :D

    Thank God for A/C!!!

  3. I like the idea of parking a bit away. People are insane, driving and circling around to find just the right spot...and congrats on the lbs lost!

  4. Yay for two pounds! Great job! :) Congrats on the new car, too. I hope you have a long and agreeable relationship. :)

  5. Wow. . .I think joining a gym would have ultimately been a cheaper way to start a walking program than buying a new car! :) Congrats!
